Apteligent launches first global device directory of iOS, Android devices by geography

Apteligent launches first global device directory of iOS, Android devices by geography

Apteligent has released the world’s first global device directory of Android and iOS devices by geography. Calculated from over 8 billion app launches with data from over 175 countries, the Apteligent directory provides valuable information
pertaining to global device and OS adoption trends including app performance stats for mobile app developers, handset manufacturers, network carriers, analysts and anyone engaged in the app economy.

With over 300 terabytes of data tracked per month over the past 3 years, the Apteligent directory is the most comprehensive repository of mobile device adoption data in the industry.

Reacting to media questions, Dave Robbins, Apteligent CEO revealed that Apteligent has always been a strong proponent of better apps through data. With the help of Apteligent SDK, developers will be able to gauge critical app performance and quality insights to mobile developers and PMs, adds Robbins.

Robbins, however, stated that other companies will be able to access the rich mobile ecosystems data we have collected.

The main purpose behind Apteligent global device directory is to educate mobile product managers, developers and quality engineers about the need to understand which devices are important and what operating system versions are popular. This will help them to gauge how much to invest in developing new hardware and software configurations.

When you run the app you will find that Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android 5.0 is the most popular device in the United States. However, if you launch the same app in Brazil, you will find that the most popular device is Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. In China, it should be the Xiaomi Mi Note running Android 4.4.

In addition to device and operating system market share, the Apteligent first global device directory also includes performance benchmarks including global device crash rates, latency information and country specific device performance.


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