World debating champion launches Shut-App – an app to help dissuade voters who are leaning Donald Trump
Shut-App allows you to choose the topic, find the claim or argument you are up against, and receive a variety of answers, all researched and composed by US and international debaters. (PRNewsFoto/Shut-App!)

World debating champion launches Shut-App – an app to help dissuade voters who are leaning Donald Trump

With the looming danger of an authoritarian demagogue being elected President of the United States, the app Shut-App! aims to help users dissuade those who are leaning towards voting for Donald Trump.

The app provides users with the strongest arguments to persuade others, and arms them with professionally-composed responses and refutations to every reasoning for supporting Mr. Trump. All answers are in ‘ready-to-use’ form and shareable on social-media.

Former world debating champion, Jonathan (Yoni) Cohen-Idov, and a group of US and international debating champions are behind the project. Shut-App! is free to download and includes no ads, and is unaffiliated with any political or commercial organization.

Explains Cohen-Idov, “faced with the overwhelming falsehood, anti-logic, and bigotry of pro-Trump arguments, many people want to speak out but may not have the confidence in their knowledge or the most compelling responses on the tip of their tongue.

Shut-App! will alleviate this frustration, allowing users to pick the topic of discussion with one click, find the specific maddening argument they are facing with another, and immediately discover the best answers – ready to use and share. I want everyone to have the confidence to take a stand, speak their minds and persuade those around them, rather than wishing they had said something after the fact.”

Users can search or browse through all known Trump-supporting arguments and claims, and find easily employable answers. The answers include facts, logic, and appeals to emotion and morality, in order to effectively engage different audiences. All of the content is researched and written by US and international debating champions.

The app was not originally conceived to focus on Trump, but rather as a general tool to promote more rational and factual public debate in the United States. It will revert back to its original, wider cause after the election.

Shut-App! is available now for free (no ads, no user tracking) for Android and iOS versions.

Please visit for more information.

Source: PRNewswire


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