Holidays are coming. You will be busy in the design work for mailing seasons greetings to your loved ones. Even though we have email and web, nothing will substitute printed greeting cards. Here comes to your rescue.!
Labeley is a free app for designing stickers, tags and labels for various occassions such as kids, beer, wine, holidays, birthdays and much more. The main attraction of Labeley is that it is completely free. You need to login after the creation process to share among your friends. You can also print the designed creation but it requires you to pay a small cost.
Labeley offers several ready-made elements, which helps you to design custom stickers. You can design elements decorated with shapes, borders, backgrounds, graphics, fonts and colors. Moreover, you can easily upload your own photos and images.
Working of Labeley
To create a fresh design, you need to navigate to and select Start Designing button. The next step is to choose a category for your label from among General, Kids, Beer, Wine and Holidays.
If you select a category, you will view the corresponding editor page. For instance, we selected Wine and the following screen will be displayed
As you can see from the above figure, you have to select the shape, border, background, graphic, add text from the navigation options located on the left side. You can also upload your own picture by selecting Upload button. However, the upload option will be enabled only if you select a shape.
To add text content inside the object, you need to select Text option from the Labeley dashboard. You will view Create Text button. If you select the button, you will view a list of font names with the ability to choose font color and weight. You can add content inside the textbox. You can adjust the position of the content by dragging the placeholders inside the object.
Once you finish the creation of the design, you need to register for a new account by selecting Create Account option. You should select Save Label button located on the top right hand side to save the design.
You can access your Labeley creation at anytime from within your account. If you try to select the share button from the created design, you will view a prompt,which asks you to login to your account.
Labeley is a great web based tool to create designs without any annoying advertisements. The user interface looks clean and simple. You need not have to learn complex documentation to work with Labeley. You just need to visit the site and follow the on-screen prompts. It will take one or two attempts before you successfully create a design. You can play around until you are able to create a good design. When you proceed to create new design for the upcoming holiday season, think about Labeley. We are sure you will like it.