Telegram Desktop has been refreshed to version 1.0 update with support for message syncing across various devices. Hence, you will be able to work partially on your smartphone and complete the balance on your laptop.
Although the app has been available, the latest update is the first stable release and includes a new UI. Telegram has leveraged the use of Material Design in the new release, which enables you to work using a friendly interface. If you work with it, you will know how simple it is to use.
With integrated support for themes, you can also join Telegram’s Theme Channel to fetch new themes from time to time. You need not have to use the default theme forever. You can also develop new themes and submit to the channel for inclusion.
Telegram Desktop v1.0 also provides support for messaging syncing, stickers, GIFS, bots and much more. It is possible to type content on your smartphone and continue the remaining work on the desktop because of the syncing feature.
If you work with Mac, the Telegram app available on the Mac App Store provides native MacOS UI design and features. Hence, you can work efficiently with minimum effort.
The functionality of the Telegram Desktop is same as previous counterparts. However, if you would like to work with the previous interface, you can use it. We expect Telegram will roll out an automated update within the next few days, which will force people to take advantage of the new version.