Samsung has rolled out Android Nougat update for customers on AT&T for the flagship Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge smartphones. With an overall weight of 1.5GB, the update also introduces new features and enhancements related to network performance, Samsung Cloud and Samsung Pass.
Moreover, the Android Nougat update also contains Android security fixes for the month of February. Hence, the latest update is an all in one package. You need not have to download security fixes separately.
While the Samsung Galaxy S7 is tagged as version G930AUCU4BQA6, the Galaxy S7 Edge comes under version G935AUCU4BQA6. In addition to the above-mentioned features, the Android Nougat update for Samsung Galaxy S7 ships with support for removal of AT&T address book and other improvements.
Like in the case of all the previous updates, the Android 7.0 Nougat update is rolled out via OTA. Hence, it will take few days for it to hit your smartphone. You will view a message notification when the update is available for your handset.
Alternatively, you can also manually verify the presence of the update by tapping the Settings icon. The size of the update is 1.6GB, and hence you should make use of Wi-Fi to download the update. Moreover, you should charge the handset completely before downloading the update.