IBM CEO Ginni Rometty has made a strong pitch for cognitive business for the development of India. Speaking at an editors roundtable in Mumbai on the sidelines of the Nasscom Leadership Forum, Rometty said that India is a country flooded with developers. Hence, she has no hesitation to specify the fact that cognitive is India’s future.
By 2020, India will become a country with the largest developer population in the world. She also said that India would have three million programmers, developers and engineers in 2020, who will help in building 10 percent of the apps in Android, iOS and Windows platforms.
After taking over as CEO in January 2012, Rometty managed to reshape the company’s business activities by concentrating in areas such as cloud and cognitive.
Rometty added that the company believes that the future of technology and business is going to be around cognitive. Moreover, the company has ventured itself into a cloud platform. As of this writing, there are over 50 cloud centers around the world and in India.
She said that 40 percent of IBM’s business is surrounded by cloud, big data, security, mobility including Watson, which is an exclusive cognitive computing platform. Moreover, Rometty is of the opinion that healthcare is an are where cognitive could make a big difference.
IBM has developed platforms around oncology, government health systems, imaging, and genomics, said Rometty. The company has established a partnership with Manipal Hospital to make use of cognitive computing for cancer care.
Rometty also addressed the concerns of the critics about her presence in President Donald Trump’s White House Business Advisory Council. She confirmed her inclusion in an advisory council, and there are several companies around the world to provide input.
Nowadays, jobs are one of the most talked topics in the world. Rometty said that whenever she met Prime Ministers and Presidents, they only talk about the number of jobs the company could provide in the country.
The idea of giving importance to Jobs by Trump in the US is not new and cannot be complained in any manner. As a President of the United States, he is bound to take action to create more employments and businesses. Recently, Trump said that he would love to work with a phone manufactured in the US instead of China. He also hinted at providing exemptions and concessions to enable Apple set up a manufacturing plant in the United States.