Honor has rolled out Android 7.0 Nougat update for the flagship Honor 8 smartphone for users in India with enhanced features and improvements. Available via OTA, the Honor 8 Android 7.0 Nougat update has been rolled out with EMUI 5.0 on top. It took a long time for the company to push the update but it has been officially launched with new features and enhancements.
In a statement released to the press, Huawei disclosed that Honor 8 with Nougat and EMUI 5.0 is open to users in India now tagged with version FRD- L02C675B310. Like in the case of all the updates, the latest release will also be rolled out in a phased manner. The company is hopeful that all users will receive the relevant updates by the end of February.
Meanwhile, Huawei is planning to release Honor V9 dubbed as Honor 8 Pro at MWC 2017. Touted to be a premium variant to Honor 8, the smartphone will offer enhanced specifications with Android Nougat pre-loaded into it.
On the specifications front, the Honor 8 features a 5.2-inch FHD LTPS display, Kirin 950 processor, 3GB/4GB RAM, 32GB/64GB expandable internal storage. You can extend the storage up to 128GB.
On the optics front, the Honor 8 ships with a 12MP dual-camera 6P sensor coupled with f/2.2 aperture, laser autofocus, and dual-tone LED flash. When it comes to the front-facing shooter, the Honor 8 will be equipped with an 8MP sensor paired with f/2.4 aperture.
The handset comes with a 3000mAh battery with fast-charging technology alongside Android 6.0 Marshmallow. If you upgrade to Android 7 Nougat, your existing Android platform will be erased and will be replaced with EMUI 5.0 on top of it. However, the files in the form of images and videos will be intact.
Even though the existing files will not be erased, we would strongly suggest you capture a backup by copying all the content to your PC or laptop.
You will view a notification when the update is available. Alternatively, you can manually verify by tapping the Settings icon, navigating to About Phone section and selecting System Updates. You will view a new screen with Check For Update option. If you select the option, the update will be downloaded if it is available in your region.