Lenovo Vibe B loaded with Android Marshmallow has been secretly launched in India through a Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom at Rs. 5799. However, the company has not yet disclosed about the availability of the Vibe B smartphone. The handset is available in Matte Black and White color variants. As of this writing, the phone is available in Mumbai. However, the company is gearing up to launch the handset across India by March end.
On the specifications front, the Lenovo Bibe B features a 4.5-inch WQVGA display, MediaTek MT6735M processor, 1GB RAM, 8GB expandable internal storage, 5MP rear camera, 2MP front-facing snapper loaded with Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
The highlight of the phone is the addition of apps such as Twitter, UC Browser, Evernote, and Skype. The handset gets the necessary power from a 2000mAh battery, which is capable of delivering 12 hours of talk time. In addition to 4G LTE, the Lenovo Vibe B provides support for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity.
You should note that the Lenovo Vibe B is a budget-friendly alternative to other competing handsets. Moreover, the phone is less powerful but when compared to other options. Hence, you can’t complain regarding the specifications since it compensates the price.
To begin with, the Lenovo Vibe B will be sold in the offline segment. We don’t have any credible information about the availability of the phone via online platforms. We have on other option than to wait and watch.