If rumors are to be believed, Huawei is expected to launch Honor 9 on June 27. Roland Quandt aka @rquandt took to Twitter and shared the information that Honor is scheduled to conduct a flagship launch on June 27. However, he posted a query type message by stating that it could be Honor 9.
Honor having a flagship launch on June 27th. Will this be about the Honor ‘9’? pic.twitter.com/PLPBL4jpmm
— Roland Quandt (@rquandt) May 15, 2017
As you can see, the launch invite doesn’t mention anything about Honor 9. However, the top left side mentions honor for the brave tagline. Moreover, the middle portion has been integrated with the message “Save the Date” along with the phrase “The Light Catcher” in all caps.
On the optics front, the Honor 9 is expected to ship with a dual camera on the rear, identical to that of Huawei Mate 9 or Huawei P10 smartphones. There are talks on the rumor mills that Honor 9 could integrate a 20MP coupled with 12MP dual rear camera sensors.
Talking about the other specifications, the rumored Honor 9 will ship with a 5.2-inch FHD display, Kirin 960 processor, 4GB/6GB RAM loaded with Android 7.1.1 Nougat. You will be working with the latest release of EMUI.