Apple is scheduled to launch the next-generation iPhone on September 12. We have been hearing several rumors about the name of the upcoming phone. While we have seen iPhone 8 floating around the web for a very long time since 2016, there are reports that the Cupertino-based giant will most likely launch iPhone X, which will ship with an OLED display in addition to the iPhone 7. The highlight of the iPhone X will be the low power display with a stunning design.
We feel that unless there is any credible new feature, customers will not purchase the iPhone X. The standard iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus will serve the purpose for most of the requirements. The integration of an OLED display in the iPhone X will be an excellent idea to generate the much-needed hype among the customers because the company could market the phone by stating that the device will consume low power with a brilliant display.
The addition of bezel-less display and wireless charging is present in competing smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy S8. The only reason for the purchase of the iPhone X should be the OLED display. As a customer, you will be tempted to test drive the iPhone X handset to experience the quality of the visuals on a device infused with an OLED display. However, you should be prepared to pay $1000 for the iPhone X, which is absolutely expensive.
Intense competition
You should also note that the 128GB variant of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 without an OLED display will also be priced above $1000. Hence, if you would like to work with a device with an OLED display, you can surely consider iPhone X provided the cost of the phone is around $950. Samsung will have to work hard to push the sales to combat the competition of the iPhone X.
Price factor
In addition to the OLED display, the price of the iPhone X is also a matter of concern. In India, the cost of the standard iPhone 7 is higher than traditional Android handsets. Frankly speaking, we never worked with iPhones because we never found a credible reason for investing Rs. 50000 when you can purchase Android handset for under Rs. 12000.
If you purchase an iPhone 7 Plus for Rs. 60000, the company will step providing any updates after few years. Hence, your device will become outdated after five years similar to our iPod. According to a California-based software engineer who declined to reveal the name, there are no new revolutionary ideas and Apple is a master at marketing.
Based on the leaks and rumors, the expected cost of iPhone X will be around $1000. In India, the phone will cost more because of duties. Initially, you will have to pay up to Rs. 80000 for the OLED variant of iPhone X, which will be very expensive.
It’s natural that Apple will continue to add new features every year but the pricing is a major source of concern. Moreover, if Apple decides to launch OLED-centric iPhone X with a 6-inch display, then the phone will sell because customers will have a keen interest to buy a handset with a large display for daily work-related purposes.
The integration of a 6-inch display paired with an OLED display will certainly be a deal breaker not only for the company but also for the customers. Moreover, the upcoming iPhone 8 will be almost identical to that of the iPhone 7 except the fact that it will ship with an Iris scanner. Sometimes, Apple will integrate the dual rear camera vertically in the iPhone 8. Hence, we can infer that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X will be an overhyped gadget with only a few new features.
Will you really spend $1000 for an iPhone X? It is to be noted that Apple is clever and the repair costs will be higher than the actual retail price. You have to take into account several factors before proceeding to invest your hard earned money. Let’s see what Apple will bring to the table on September 12.