GameShell is the first modular and STEM portable console gaming system developed via open source. The console is embedded with a GNU/LINUX operating system, which helps you to play several classic games such as GB, GBA, NES, SNES, Atari and other major games.
Technically, GameShell makes use of the powerful LINUX platform and all the games will be a free and open source. The company has bundled two classic frames such as DOOM1 and Cave Story and the company is gearing up to include several free games in the upcoming future. GameShell provides support for Python, C, Lua, and LISP. It is not only possible to modify games but also be able to create new games as per the requirement.
GameShell is basically an open source handheld console that enables you to build yourself. The product is packaged as an assembly kit. You can easily build without any tools. It is possible to play not only classic games but also indie games. Moreover, the console ships with few default games. It is also possible to integrate more games by importing game ROMs into the shell unit via USB cable.
GameShell is designed with five independent modules with simplified assembling components. You will be able to create DIY wireless speaker, LEGO-enabled smart toys including the ability to program a remote control device.
On the specifications front, the GameShell is equipped with a 2.7-inch (320×240) 18-bit display, Arduino keypad, ARM board with WiFi, PMU chips, stereo speaker powered by a 1050mAh battery. The product is integrated with Cortex A7 processor, Mali 400 graphics, 512MB RAM with a total standby time of 100 hours. With a weight of 195 grams, the device includes an extended 14-pin UART/12C SPI GPIO port.
GameShell is exclusively available for pre-order via Kickstarter starting at $99. In addition to the product, you will receive memory card with OS & games, Clockwork T-shirt and logo sticker.