The Unique Identification Authority of India has released a new version of the mAadhaar Android mobile app. With the help of the mAadhaar, the Aadhaar number holders will be able to carry their information such as name, date of birth, gender, address including the photograph on their smartphones.
You can easily download the profile which carries all the required demographic details at any time. Moreover, the mAadhaar also provides a facility to lock or unlock Biometrics. If you activate Biometric locking system, your biometric information will remain locked until you choose to unlock it. The mAadhaar mobile app also enables you to automatically generate Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP), which can be used instead of SMS based OTP.
With mAadhaar, you will be able to update the profile data after completing the relevant process. You need not have to make use of the PC or third-party companies to update the data.
It is possible to scan QR code and password protected eKYC data to fetch demographic information instead of manual process. You will be able to work with the app only from your registered mobile number. You can visit nearest enrolment centre to update your mobile number.
To install the app, you need to search mAadhaar on Google Play Store and perform the installation process. You will be prompted to provide a four-digit password followed by 12 digit Aadhaar number. The app will not automatically read the OTP from the delivered SMS and you need not have to manually navigate to the messages app on your smartphone.
It is to be noted that one Aadhaar profile can be active on only one device at a time. If your family members have the same mobile number registered in their Aadhaar, you need to add their profile in your device. As of this writing, you can add a maximum of three profiles.
You should be careful only to download the mAadhaar app developed by mAadhaar Unique Identification Authority of India to avoid scams and unauthorized access.