JVC has launched JVC XS-XN226 Bluetooth speaker in India for Rs. 1999. The main highlight of the JVC XS-XN226 Bluetooth speaker is that it is designed in a compact shape to enable users to carry it in their pockets. Moreover, the integration of sound boosters helps you to calibrate the sound effectively even in extreme sound conditions. The speaker is capable of delivering dynamic audio.
The JVC XS-XN226 Bluetooth speaker is powered by a 100mAH battery, which delivers 8W output power. The company sources revealed to us that the speaker will provide a backup of up to 8 hours upon normal usage. IT also provides an overall power output of 5000W PMPO.
Commenting on the launch, Sharan Maini – Director- Business Development at JVC India disclosed that they have introduced the new speaker based on the excellent response for the first tower speaker. tHe new speaker is designed with innovative and stylish features and will be a perfect companion for all your music needs.
In addition to Bluetooth 50 support, the JVC XS-XN226 Bluetooth speaker also comes with AUX port to enable you to connect smartphones and other MP3 players. You can even connect Zune player and also play music from memory cards. he speaker will be available via Flipkart followed by retail stores.