Samsung has launched the 2017 flagship Samsung Galaxy S8 in Burgundy Red color at Rs 49900 and will be available from April 13. Moreover, you will be able to avail a cashback of Rs 10000 via Paytm.The catch is that you will pay Rs 49900 but will get additional Rs 10000 from Paytm after a fixed time.
The Samsung Galaxy S8 is equipped with a 5.8-inch super AMOLED QHD+ display with 18.5:9 aspect ratio. The display will be curved on the edges and will be protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
Under the hood, the Galaxy S8 is powered by an Exynos 8895 processor, 4GB RAM, 64GB expandable internal storage. A powerful 3000mAh battery supplies the required power to the device with support for fast and wireless charging.
The disappointment is that the device will be pre-loaded with Android Nougat with the availability of Android Oreo 8.0 within the next few months. The rear camera is integrated with a 12MP sensor with a f/1.7 aperture with support for dual pixel technology and OIS. Meanwhile, the selfie camera offers an 8MP sensor with support for autofocus and f/1.7 aperture.
Samsung had slashed the prices of the Galaxy S8 series after the launch of the Galaxy S9 series in India a few months back. Even though the new handset is more or less similar to that of the Galaxy S8, you will find considerable improvements in terms of user interface, resource consumption, multimedia functionalities and much more.
In addition to Burgundy Red color, the Samsung Galaxy S8 is also available in Maple gold, Midnight black, Coral blue, and Orchid gray color options. The launch of the new color assumes significance in the wake of Apple launching red edition of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.