Mahindra TUV300 Plus MUV has started to arrive at all dealers across India. The brochure and images of the newly launched vehicle have surfaced on official forum. According to the brochure, the Mahindra TUV300 Plus MUV model will be available in Bold Black, Majestic Silver, Dynamic Red, and Glacier White color variants.
Upon verification of the brochure, the Mahindra TUV300 Plus MUV is equipped with a 2.2-litre mHawk turbo diesel engine. The engine is capable of delivering 120bhp maximum power alongside a peak torque of 280 Nm. The motor includes a 6-speed manual transmission alongside Micro Hybrid start-stop system.
The Mahindra TUV300 Plus MUV is designed in such a way that nearly 9 occupants can be seated inside the vehicle. There are rumors that the company is gearing up to launch 7 and 8 seat variants of the vehicle.
The vehicle measures 4.4-meters in length with a wheelbase measuring 2.68-metres. The weight of the new vehicle will be more than the 4-seat model.
Some of the features included with the Mahindra TUV300 Plus MUV are HVAC, power steering, power windows, tilt adjustment for steering, central locking including adjustable ORVMs. We don’t have any confirmation about the presence of ABS or airbags since it’s not mentioned in the brochure.