ABAJ has announced the launch of 55-inch variant of ABAJ Smart LED TV at Rs 59990. The company sources revealed to us that the smart TV is designed to provide an unmatched and immersive picture quality with A+ Grade panel. The TV has been optimized to deliver stunning visuals, movies including music, sports, games and online content.
The ABAJ Smart LED TV is designed using a slim profile and it blends perfectly with your living space. Moreover, the 55-inch Smart LED TV provides excellent sound clarity coupled with perfect picture quality. The TV is pre-loaded with Android and comes pre-installed with several apps.
The display offers FHD resolution with support for image freeze. The entertainment segment is powered by dual 8W sound speakers with 178/178 viewing angle. The TV offers 5 band equalizer with support for LAN and Wi-Fi.
Commenting on the launch, Nirav Patel, CMD, ABAJ Electronics disclosed that ABAJ is popularly known for its LED TV’s and this model will surely keep up with its spirit and expectations of the people. He added that the newly launched 55-inch LED TV features a user-friendly interface with slim technology.
The ABAJ Smart LED TV is powered by a Quad Core A7 processor running at 850MHz, MALI450MP2 graphics processor, 1GB RAM, 4GB internal storage 3 HDMI ports, dual USB ports and headphone jack. The remote control also provides an ability to control mouse.
The company is offering 3 years warranty with rapid services for the TV. During the launch, the company revealed to us that they have used premium spare parts for long life. The ABAJ Smart LED TV will be available for purchase from all retail outlets.