Infinix has released Infinix Smart 3 Plus in India for Rs 6999. The smartphone will be available for sale on Flipkart starting April 30, 10 AM. The sale will kick start at 10 AM and hence you should add the product to the cart and buy the product immediately. The stocks will be limited and the Walmart-owned giant will be able to get stock only after a week.
The main highlight of the Infinix Smart 3 Plus is the integration of a 6.2-inch HD+ drop notch display coupled with a triple rear camera. The aspect ratio of 19.5:9 helps you to read the content clearly. The rear side offers a combination of 13MP, 2MP including a low light sensor. On the front, you have an 8MP AI selfie camera with support for AR stickers.
The handset draws power via the embedded 3500mAh battery with support for AI power management and AI face unlock capabilities. The Infinix Smart 3 Plus is pre-loaded with XOS 5.0 on top of Android Pie 9.0 operating platform.
The device offers 88 percent screen to body ratio coupled with 500-nits brightness. The addition of auto scene detection offers 8 scene modes including the ability to share LoL selfies with AR stickers.
The Smart 3 Plus manufactured by Infinix is capable of delivering 269 hours of standby time coupled with 12 hours of music. You will be able to watch videos for 10 hours with 13 hours of web browsing.
If you would like to purchase Infinix Smart 3 Plus, you should login at around 9.45 AM on April 30 and add a shipping address. You have to purchase the phone sharply at 10 AM and complete the overall checkout process within 10 minutes.