Google has launched Google Nest Hub in India with touch display and integrated speaker at Rs 9999. The Google Nest Hub will be available on Flipkart including Tata Cliq, Croma and Reliance Digital. The Google Nest Hub is available in Walmart in the US for $99.99 in Chalk and Charcoal color variants.
As part of the launch offer, Google has bundled Mi Security camera worth Rs 1799 along with the Nest Hub product package. We checked Flipkart and the product is not yet listed on the e-commerce portal. We expect the Google Nest Hub to be made available during Flipkart Big Shopping Days in October.
The main highlight of the Google Nest Hub is the integration of a 7-inch display coupled with Google Assistant. You will be able to control 200 million smart devices and has been optimized for YouTube content. With the help of the Google Nest Hub, you will be able to ask questions just like you do with Google Home Mini including the ability to use Google Photos, YouTube and other related services.
Touted as a competitor to Amazon Echo Show 5, the embedded 7-inch touch display included with the Nest Hub is designed in an angular shape. You can view content easily. The addition of dual far-field microphones helps the device to listen to your voice clearly. The Ambient EQ light sensor helps the hub to adjust brightness according to the surrounding lighting. You can also establish connectivity via external Bluetooth speakers.
The Google Nest Hub ships with voice match technology, which automatically identifies multiple voices to provide a customized experience. You can also perform a wide range of actions using a single command with the help of routines. The Nest Hub also includes the capability to display recipes and kids videos from various reliable sources. It is possible to play music via YouTube Music, Saavn, Gaana, and Spotify.
We expect Google Nest HUb to be available on Flipkart for a discounted price on Flipkart Big Billion Days. The 7-inch display is LCD and we expect the device to heat up just like Echo Show 5. It remains to be seen as to whether Nest Hub will cause abnormal heating.