Windows 10

Microsoft Pushes Windows 10 Build 19564 For Fast Ring Windows Insiders

Microsoft has rolled out Windows 10 Build 19564 for Windows Insiders in the fast ring. The Windows 10 Build 19564 includes a new and refreshed Calendar app with several bug fixes and improvements. If you are part of the fast ring, you can download the update via Windows Update. After the installation of the update, the build number will change to 19564.1000.

The Calendar app ships with 30 themes with the ability to view month in an improved fashion. Moreover, you will be able to create events easily. The account navigation module has been given a new facelift. You can also swap between the new and old Calendar app just by tapping on the relevant options.

The Graphics settings page has got a new look and feel, which enables you to control the GPU. You can specify which apps should make use of the GPU. The Graphics settings option can be accessed by navigating to Settings | System | Display. The Windows 10 Build 19564 has been developed in such a way that the app list and GPU preferences are pre-populated on a best effort basis. This will enhance your management experience. You can also add the preferences by making use of the app selection drop-down box.

The Windows 10 Build 19564 includes an improved version of the Calendar app with 30 different themes. The Month view comes with an agenda pane, which enables you to view the day’s events under a single umbrella. It is possible to easily add an event to your Calendar. The account navigation pane has been collapsed and the relevant accounts are depicted as clickable icons on the left-hand side.

It is advisable to capture a backup of all your files before proceeding to perform the Windows 10 Build 19564 update installation. You can also manually check the presence of the update by navigating to the Control Panel.


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