Windows Update

Microsoft to offer .NET Core Updates via Microsoft Update

Microsoft has announced that .NET Core Updates will be pushed via Microsoft Update on Windows 10. With Microsoft Updates, you will receive updates for other Microsoft products. However, you have to enable the relevant option in Windows Update to receive updates for other Microsoft products.

You should navigate to Update & Security | Advanced Options page and activate the “Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows” option. According to the Redmond-based software giant, the new change provides organizations with enhanced control over the updating process. The .NET Core Updates will be automatically installed via Windows Update upon availability.

Microsoft hasn’t made .NET Core updates via Microsoft Update because of the concerns raised by customers since most of them believed that the updates could break functionality. You should note that updates for .NET Core are automatically installed side-by-side with the exception of monthly servicing updates.

The .NET Core updates will be offered as an independent product and the upcoming version of the .NET Framework will be updated via Windows Update. It is to be noted that Microsoft Update will maintain one update within each SDK feature band. The Microsoft Update will provide stable .NET Core updates and not for Nightly builds and unsupported versions.

Even though .NET Core updates are being offered via Microsoft Update, administrators could block .NET Core updates push via the update channel. The administrators need to approve .NET Core product entries before making them available in managed deployment environments such as WSUS. The updates will not be offered if the product entries are not approved.

Microsoft had published a set of registry keys, which blocks certain or all .NET Core Updates completely. You should note that the keys work on not only managed but also unmanaged devices. It is also possible to use the Registry files to apply the modifications to the system y downloading ad extracting block-net-core-updates files, which includes four registry files. You will find all .NET Core updates, .NET Core 5.0 updates, .NET Core 3.1 updates, and .NET Core 2.1 updates on the device.


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