Harman has announced the launch of Harman Kardon SoundSticks 4 Bluetooth speakers with 100W Dome subwoofer in India. The speakers borrow the iconic transparent design and will deliver clean treble with booming bass. To those who are unaware, the Harman Kardon SoundSticks 4 speakers are designed by former Apple CDO Jony Ive. Moreover, the speakers have found a permanent spot at the prestigious Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Harman Kardon SoundSticks 4 Specifications
Harman Kardon SoundSticks 4 includes a transparent subwoofer coupled with dual vertical-standing satellite speakers. The Done subwoofer offers an output of 100W, the satellite speakers assure a vibrant and room-filling sound. The speakers provide support for Bluetooth 4.2 and Wi-Fi 802.11 technology. The product package is bundled with a power cable and measures four kilograms, which is pretty heavy.
Considering the weight, the speaker is not portable and will be difficult to handle. You will have to place the speaker somewhere on your desk and work with the unit. Moreover, you will have to exercise caution if you would like to move the speaker unit from one place to another.
Harman Kardon SoundSticks 4 pricing & Availability
The Harman SoundSticks 4 Bluetooth speakers is available across all offline retail stores and the official website at Rs 25999. The speaker is available in Black and White color variants in a transparent body structure.