According to Acer For Education, there are many future jobs that have not even been designed yet. They estimate that 60% of today’s students will enter these as yet non-existent fields. We have been seeing leaps and bounds in the role of technology in all areas from business to academia. New technological advances are constantly springing up and being taken beyond what was envisaged. Technology will play a major role in the workplace of the future. A STEM education prepares students to enter the working world equipped for these careers.
What Is STEM?
The acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. A STEM program integrates these four subjects in a single learning experience. On their own, one of these subjects does not provide a STEM education. They must be taught together.
The philosophy behind STEM is that it prepares students for 21st-century jobs. It is based on a project management approach and uses real-world applications. Students are required to develop workable models with a practical purpose and to solve problems as an outcome of the STEM program.
Students need to excel in math and science to grasp and apply technology and engineering. STEM careers also demand a high level of proficiency in these two subjects.
STEM graduates earn significantly more than other graduates with the same number of years of education behind them.
How STEM Is Taught
The STEM student is expected to make use of their combined knowledge across all four STEM subjects to come up with solutions to specific problems. These students are not spoon-fed but have to learn to think for themselves and apply what they know. This cross-disciplinary learning approach is not possible for many students who have been taught to memorize facts and provide answers that they have learned are correct.
The study program does not leave much time for fun or taking courses that interest the student. Only dedicated people can make it, and this is as it should be. Mistakes in the space industry would be costly in terms of money and lives. This requires students to bring a great deal of concentration to their tasks and to be accurate. STEM students must be innovative and self-disciplined. They need to be competent in the four disciplines.
STEM and Careers in the Space Arena
Many organizations, such as the, undertake the ongoing preparation and development of people for careers in space. This includes entrepreneurs, teachers, professionals, and students. A STEM education is of great significance to gaining employment in the space arena.
The space industry is as wide as the universe. In other words, there is so much we don’t know yet and are discovering every day. There are also multiple types of jobs, from working with satellites to space stations and flights. Additionally, components can be built individually by different companies and combined in a rocket.
A STEM career is the best way to prepare for a career in the space industry.