Brave Summarizer

Brave Summarizer opens up new possibilities in AI search

Brave Search has announced the AI-enabled Brave Summarizer feature, which is exclusively designed to provide synthesized and relevant results. The Brave Summarizer provides crisp facts about a particular query. For example, if you search for Windows 11, then the Summarizer will provide a short summary of the new operating system.

The Summarizer is trained to provide crisp and concise answers at the top of Brave Search results pages based on the user’s input. According to Brave, they have trained large language models to process multiple sources of data and information available on the web. This technique provides concise and accurate answers that are expressed in coherent language.

Brave displays the original sources along with links along with Summarizer to maintain the rightful attribution of information. The users will be able to assess the trustworthiness of the sources and also be able to mitigate the biased results of large language models.

The Brave Summarizer is available on desktop and mobile. You can deactivate Brave Summarizer from settings if you are not interested to work with this new feature. The company revealed that people should not believe in AI system results based on the latest advancements in AI. We have seen incorrect responses by Google’s Bard AI recently during a live event conducted by the company.

If you search for a review, the search result provides credible results like reviews published by reputed bloggers and reviewers. If you search for the same thing on the AI, then the results could be different. Brave admits that critical thinking is important despite the impressive results by the AI models.

Brave added that their AI modes are developed to replace the query-dependant snippets with a summarized version of snippets. The answers will be highlighted when possible. The users can view Brave Summarizer as a digest of a single source instead of the main summary. Here, multiple sources are not considered and aggregated to provide a comprehensive answer.

If you search for Windows 3.1, then Brave Summarizer provides a summary of the content from a single source like Wikipedia. Brave displays summary at the top of the results page followed by detailed search results. You can either read summarized content provided by Brave or detailed results.

Brave Summarizer Demo

Commenting on the development, Josep M. Pujol, Chief of Search at Brave disclosed that Brave Search is the fastest-growing search engine since Bing with 22 million queries per day. They provide search results from their own web index. The team is working to improve the relevance of results with an AI-powered Summarizer.

The Summarizer generates a plain summary, which will be placed at the top of the search results page. It aggregates the latest sources on the Web and provides source attribution for ultimate transparency and accountability. The new Brave Summarizer is currently available to all Brave search users with the purpose to enhance search results.

The Brave Summarizer depends on the owned and operated models that are fine-tuned to be efficient as possible. Brave Search is capable of processing 600 queries per second that are highly evaluated against the company’s AI model. The company sources disclosed that a summary is generated for 17% of queries. However, the Brave search team is working to increase the summary results as they scale their system. The model is currently in the early stages of development.

There are reports that the Brave Summarizer will display false or offensive text but will reduce as the system grows rapidly. The new feature has been completely developed by the Brave search team based on the industry standards on privacy and independence.

The Summarizer comprises three different LLMs that are trained on various tasks. The QA module is used to extract a specific answer from various text snippets. The results are then classified with an umbrella of zero-shot classifiers on a wide range of criteria such as vulgar writing, hate speech, fake news, and spam. The final set is processed by the summarizer/paraphrasing model to remove repetitions. The language is also kept uniform to enhance readability.

Brave Summarizer is currently available on Android, iOS, and web platforms. It’s interesting. Check out the all-new Brave Summarizer powered by AI.


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