Twitter will soon offer Dark Mode as the default mode. Twitter owner Elon Musk took to X and revealed that the company will make dark mode as default and the dim will be deleted. He also shared an image with ‘x” sitting on the light side and the big “X” sitting pretty on the dark rectangle. Ever since Elon Musk took over the reins of Twitter, the platform has been showered with several new features. The addition of Dark Mode is to provide an enhanced user experience. The Dark Mode will be made default and the light mode will be retained in case the user doesn’t like Dark Mode.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 29, 2023
Musk recently announced that Twitter will be rebranded as X and all the birds will vanish. The home page title and logo on the web platform have been modified to X instead of Twitter. The company also updated its Android app by replacing logo and name.
According to Musk, Twitter was acquired by X Corp not only to ensure freedom of speech but also to accelerate X as an everything app. He added that you can now post any information including several hours of video. Musk also added that the company will integrate the ability to conduct the entire financial world. Interestingly, police intervened when workers were removing letters from the iconic vertical sign at Twitter’s headquarters but the work was stopped after police intervention.
After Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, the platform has integrated new features. This includes the ability to get verified by paying money. The company recently removed all legacy blue ticks and urged them to pay to retain the tick mark. Moreover, the user experience also changed and the verified users will be able to publish more content. Going forward, X, formerly Twitter, will add additional features and functionalities including redirecting Twitter to There are rumors that Twitter will be completely replaced by X including URLs. We hope that within the next 3 months, Twitter will become part of history.