Microsoft has announced the release of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23526 to the Dev Channel along with the relevant ISOs. Microsoft has updated the expiration date to September 15, 2024, starting with Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 24526. You should make sure to update to the latest build in the Dev Channel. A blank preview area will not be shown for files that don’t have rich thumbnail previews. This is part of the rich thumbnail previews for cloud files on Start that was started to roll out with Build 23511.
Microsoft has updated the Cast flyout in Quick Settings with additional support. This will be useful if you have trouble discovering nearby displays and fixing connections.
The Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23526 has modified default verbosity level from 2 to 3 that will now announce “immediate Context Name and Type”. The Control context type such as list or toolbar will enable users to understand the focused control. The Narrator users are unblocked for typing Traditional Chinese characters in Windows by the addition of Traditional Chinese dictionary for detailed reading.
Microsoft also infused improvements for Narrator with Braille. The Narrator announces the & of the attachment when navigating to any attachment in Microsoft Outlook with scan mode. The navigation to headings in Scan Mode using drop-down arrow or Space+4 key in Braille device is now reflected in Braille.
The Braille display also reflects the same index values as 1 of 4 whenever Narrator announces index with the menu item name. The update resolved an issue that was making the System label in Start’s all apps to list the wrong color in high-contrast themes. The flight resolved an issue where if you attempt to uninstall certain apps it would open Settings and not navigate to the Installed Apps page.
If the Taskbar wasn’t loading when logging into their PC after the installation of the previous build, then the issue has been resolved. The flight fixed an issue where the Taskbar was set to uncombined and display animations even if they have been switched off. The update resolved an issue where app icons on the Taskbar would become empty after switching between desktops. If the hidden icons flyout closes unexpectedly when using keyboard navigation to move focus between icons to rearrange icons in the overflow, then the issue has been resolved.
The Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23526 has resolved an issue where Dev drives might not auto-mount after upgrading to a new build. The system will deliver improved error messages if Dev Drives fail to format. Microsoft has resolved an issue that could cause sporadic explorer.exe crashes while making use of an HDR wallpaper.
Microsoft is working to resolve a fix that causes explorer.exe to crash on the login screen when attempting to enter safe mode. The product team is also working to resolve issues pertaining to Start menu, Taskbar search, and Windows Copilot.