Amazon India has announced that it has invested in 6 more specialized Fulfillment Centres (FCs) in Coimbatore, Pune, Lucknow, Gurgaon, Mumbai, and Bhopal. The company also established 25 additional Delivery Stations exclusively for the fulfillment of Large Appliances and Furniture.
The e-commerce company has an exhaustive and specialized network of 15 fulfillment centers spreading over 1.3 million square feet with 5 million cubic feet of storage space. Moreover, the company also established 60 extra delivery stations to cater to customer needs in over 400 cities.
In a statement released to the press, Amazon India also disclosed that they have expanded the existing storage capacity in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ludhiana, and Ahmedabad exclusively for large appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, air coolers and washing machines.
The main purpose of the expansion of fulfillment network is to ensure faster delivery to customers across more than 6500 pin codes in the country. The company added that over 30 cities are now being able to avail next day delivery services for all major categories. Amazon also facilitates fee installation across 200 cities for leading brands such as LG, BPL, Bosch, Whirlpool, IFB, and Haier. The company also offers scheduled delivery and installation experience across 45 cities.
Commenting on the development, Akhil Saxena, Vice President, India Customer Fulfilment, Amazon India disclosed that the company has been investing heavily in infrastructure and delivery network to provide a superior experience to customers and sellers. Saxena added that Amazon India has doubled storage space, delivery station network and cities to cater to the demands of growing categories. Amazon continues to be the largest fulfillment infrastructure in the industry with a total of 62 fulfillment centres having a storage capacity of 18.5 million cubic feet,
Amazon also established partnerships with major brands such as @home, Nilkamal, Laz-y-Boy, Hometown, Spacewood, Kurl-on as well as key regional players such as Wake-fit, Royal Oak & Forzza. The warehouse has close to 500 exclusive furniture products across all room types.
Responding to media, Suchit Subhas, Category Leader – Appliances, Amazon India revealed that their overall investments in infrastructure, installation services, and sound finance options have led to changes in customer behavior and adoption of online shopping for Large appliances and Furniture. The company has extended the scheduled and next day delivery to more cities.
According to estimates, Amazon India offers the largest storage infrastructure for sellers in the e-commerce industry across India with 62 Fulfillment Centres in 13 states with close to 18.5 million cubic feet of storage space. nearly, 15 centers are established as part of the ever-growing Amazon Now business.
Amazon provides a delightful customer experience through its program – Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA). As part of the FBA, sellers across india will be able to deliver products to the fulfilment centers. After the order is placed, Amazon picks, packs, and ships the order to the customer, provides customer service and manages returns on behalf of the sellers. As a seller, you need not have to worry about the logistics. You just need to provide the product.